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Different type of spoofers & what they do for you!

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We have 3 different type of spoofers with explanations for each one below!


  • Built-In: So a built-in spoofer is a spoofer that is included with a product and built into if give you a complimentary spoofer. But I will never recommend to use built-ins as they are not always updated as they aren't the devs first priority & second built-ins don't always spoofer or clean every serial which in most cases are crucial. In the end am I saying their bad or useless, no their not there are some good reliable ones but I'd say it's more for ragers but in the end I just say be weary with built-ins.


  • Temp-Spoofers: Temp spoofers are probably the most common seen around & an example would be Wrath spoofer is a temp spoofer. Temp spoofers are very reliable if the right one is chosen. A temp spoofer only spoofers your serials temporarily meaning after you shutdown/restart your pc, your serials will return to the original serial numbers. But there a great choice with only needing secure boot off with the ability to change to new serials every time!


  • Perm-Spoofers: Perm spoofers are the absolute most reliable as they spoof your serials permanently. With have your serials spoofed permanently, you no longer have to spoof every time before opening the game, which also limit the chance of being banned as you can't forget to not spoof. Yes it is a little more complicated to set up for a beginner but our guides our dummy proofed. Lastly the only bad thing is you do have to do a fresh install on your pc & wipe everything to ensure a safe & clean spoof & make sure all traces are gone!
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